Saturday, April 27, 2024

'House of the Dragon's House Hightower A Brief History of the Family That's Existed Since Dawn of Days

house hightower

The High Septon of the time had a vision from the Crone of Oldtown burning. Unlike King Mern IX, Lord Manfred Hightower heeded the High Septon and did not take arms against Aegon Conquerer. He was rewarded by having the city spared from the Targareyn’s Field of Fire. Lord Commander of Viserys’ Kingsguard, in which he’s one of the longest serving members. Assigned as Rhaenerys’ sworn shield (think what Ser Jorah Mormont was to Daenerys).

They Come from Oldtown

This led to the civil war that became known as the Dance of the Dragons. They control the large port city of Oldtown, and played a key role in the establishment of the Citadel, the headquarters of the Maesters, which they continue to support. Their keep is the Hightower, a massive castle and lighthouse said to be taller than the Wall, located in the middle of the city on Battle Isle.

House Of The Dragon Now Has Its Own Monopoly Board Game

The four-decked Honor of Oldtown is the flagship of the Hightower fleet. In the War of the Five Kings, so far the Hightowers have followed the Tyrell lead, declaring for Renly Baratheon on the outbreak of the conflict, and not changing to Stannis Baratheon's side after Renly's assassination.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Milly Alcock – younger / Emma D'Arcy – older)

Had previously been Jaehaerys Targaryen’s Master of Coin, but took up the role again for Viserys when Daemon dropped it. The Lannisters we met in Game Of Thrones (Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, etc) are Jason’s direct descendants. The wife of Lord Corlys, and cousin of Viserys and Daemon, known as The Queen Who Never Was after she was passed over for the Iron Throne in favour of Viserys – something she clearly still holds a grudge about. A Maester of the Citadel in service to House Stark at Winterfell before Robert's Rebellion. A bastard of House Hightower who instigated alliances between the North and the Riverlands, Stormlands and the Vale. Older brother of Ser Morgan Hightower of the Warrior's Sons and Queen Ceryse Hightower.

They likely founded the original Oldtown, one of Westeros’s largest and oldest cities. The last Hightower King, Lymond married his daughter to King Garland II Gardener and married Garland's daughter as well, making House Hightower the last of the Reach kings to swear loyalty to House Gardener. Interestingly, however, though House Hightower has always been immensely powerful and important they’ve never held full dominion over The Reach. House Gardener controlled the area through much of history from their seat in Highgarden before Aegon I arrived and installed House Tyrell as wardens. House Hightower is so-named because they live in a high tower…also called Hightower. Hightower (the structure, not the family) is a simple castle with an enormous lighthouse atop of it that sits on the outskirts of Oldtown right at the mouth of the Honeywine river.

Barely mentioned in the book (a single sentence), so for all intents and purposes, Ser Harrold is a series-original character. Like Horovitch, McTavish is total Game Of Thrones cast material – although he’s had Outlander, The Witcher and the Hobbit movies to make do with while he waited. This is an absolutely plum role for Ifans, and watching him skulk around Considine is, we’re confident, going to be one of the great joys of Season One. Lord Quenton Hightower was Lord of Hightower around eighty years before the series, and is remembered for his brutal actions when the grey plague hit the city.

Alicent Hightower's Best Quotes in House of The Dragon - CBR

Alicent Hightower's Best Quotes in House of The Dragon.

Posted: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Queen Alicent Targaryen (nee Hightower)

House Hightower is one of the most ancient, wealthy, and powerful houses in Westeros. The Hightowers have been at the front and center of politics in Westeros for centuries, owing to their rule of Oldtown, which was the biggest city in Westeros for thousands of years before the coming of the Targaryens. First, Daemon must zoom around Westeros to gather as many houses as possible for that fight. I suspect that the strategy set-up will take up much of this second season, but unlike with the book, Rhaenyra might even leave Dragonstone to participate. And we will literally see fire rain down from the sky when the two sides have to force allegiance from reluctant settlements. Additionally, despite what his title may suggest, Otto Hightower is not actually the Lord of his house in House of the Dragon.

Prince Peremore Hightower

There’s a lot we can glean already from the first episode of “Dragon,” from “Thrones” and from the books by George R.R. Martin without spoiling the new series. House Hightower[1] of Oldtown is a vassal house from the Reach that holds fealty to House Tyrell of Highgarden. Their seat is the Hightower located in the great city of Oldtown, the oldest, greatest, and second most populated city of Westeros. Oldtown lies southwest of Highgarden at the mouth of River Honeywine, and opens to the Sunset Sea. House Hightower[1] of Oldtown is a vassal house from the Reach that holds fealty to Lord Bronn of Highgarden. Their seat is the Hightower located in the great city of Oldtown, the oldest, greatest, and second most populated city of Westeros that lies southwest of Highgarden at the mouth of River Honeywine, and opens to the Sunset Sea.

Without getting into spoilers, the presence of Simon Strong and Alys Rivers, in particular, point to a sequence of events from the source material that unfolds at Harrenhal. There's a reason Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) made mention of Harrenhal when poring over the painted table at Queen Rhaenyra's (Emma D'Arcy) war council in the season 1 finale. The Hightowers made it to 297 AC when A Song of Ice and Fire takes place. While they still rule Oldtown, they have taken allegiance to Tyrells of Highgarden.

Main house (3 bed/2.5 bath) + lower level guest suite (permitted ADU), includes an open kitchen with vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors throughout, two fireplaces, new windows, zoned HVAC. Other features include a custom-built outdoor pizza oven, parking for 4-cars, tons of storage, loads of charm & character. Located in Hollywood Heights with a strong sense of community, centrally located, close to the studios, Hollywood Bowl, Metro Red Line, and the newest Hollywood restaurants. On the game board, you'll find key locations throughout your journey across Westeros and Essos. As usual, the main goal is taking control of as many strongholds as you can.

As Otto Hightower’s daughter, Alicent is extremely present in court and King’s Landing, and has an extremely close relationship with Princess Rhaenyra – though the pair often differ in their approach to matters regarding the Throne. Head of House Hightower, Voice of Oldtown, Lord of the Port, Lord of the Hightower, Defender of the Citadel, and Beacon of the South. In the spirit of continuing HBO’s educational mission with House of the Dragon‘s characters, here are some spoiler-free things you should know about the noble House Hightower. Olivia Cooke as Alicent Hightower, the daughter of Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, and the most comely woman in the Seven Kingdoms. She was raised in the Red Keep, close to the king and his innermost circle; she possesses both a courtly grace and a keen political acumen. Ever since House of the Dragon entered production, HBO hasn’t been shy about revealing photos and descriptions of the characters involved in the story.

When House of the Dragon begins its tale, likely around the year 100 AC (After Aegon’s Conquest), Set Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) is one of the most influential men in the Seven Kingdoms. While his older brother serves as the Lord Hightower of Oldtown, Otto has an important job in King’s Landing as Hand of the King. A scholarly intelligent man, Otto essentially ran the kingdom for the last two year’s of the “Old King” Jaehaerys I’s reign, as the beloved monarch experienced ill health. Things generally don’t seem to go very well for the Hightowers when they leave the comforts of their Hightower. Though immensely rich and often very learned due to their relationship with the Citadel, they’re not particularly interested in participating the game of thrones.

Olivia Cooke will make her debut as the older version of Alicent Hightower in the back half of House of the Dragon Season 1. Here’s what you should know about House of the Dragon’s Alicent Hightower, and her powerful kin. Viserys’ Master of Ships, and a crafty and calculating politician. Known as ‘Breakbones’ because he’s reputedly the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms, although in the books he comes out of a tournament bout with Criston Cole rather badly (the jester and chronicler Mushroom dubs him ‘Brokenbones’).

He rides a dragon called Caraxes, wields a sword called Dark Sister, and sports a remarkably frizz-free blonde mop. Stunning Hollywood Hills Designer owned home, completely restored by the current owner while retaining its original Architectural character, with high end finishes throughout. Step into your own romantic private oasis, surrounded by a lush green garden, flowing water and a koi pond. Multiple patios & decks, perfect for entertaining while providing tranquil indoor-outdoor living.

house hightower

The Hightowers were strong and loyal bannermen to House Gardener, and after House Gardener's destruction on the Field of Fire, they smoothly transferred their allegiance to House Tyrell. They were instrumental in the chaotic civil war that became known as the Dance of the Dragons, as it was Otto Hightower, Hand of the King, and his daughter Queen Alicent who were masterminds of the greens during the war. The Hightowers had been amassing their power in King's Landing long before the Dance, as Otto was Hand to King Jaehaerys and Viserys before he served King Aegon II Targaryen.

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